Railway Recruitment Board, Allahabad declare the final results of Assistant Station Master, Category No. 07 of Centralized Notification No. 03/2012.
Here are the results
Dated:11 /07/2016
Final Result
A. Based on selection organized by RRB/ALD for the post mentioned below of Centralized Notification No. 03/2012, candidates with following Roll Nos., in order of merit, (to be read horizontally), (Earlier 30% extra as waitlisted candidates, now empanelled in the panel) have been selected and placed on the replacement panel provisionally. The appointment of the candidates shall be subject to being found suitable in all respects & in medical standards as per rules:
Note: The first seven digits of the 14 digit roll number being common for all candidates i.e. 1312301, hence not printed against the following roll numbers.
Cat No.07 : Assistant Station Master
For North Central Railway:
1002659 1002730 1002552 1002783 1001041 1000664 1001405 1000067 1000710 5000221
1002637 1002340 1001749 1000731 1001468 1002185 1000014 1001477 4005841 4002389
4000120 4005661 4000923 4006025 4000183 4001341 4001244 4005316 4005013 4003942
4000865 4002115 4005843 4005573 4003630 4005493 4001956 4002268 2000545 2003244
2003159 2002094 2003432 3000608 3000331 3000474 3001971 3001902 (Forty Eight Only)
*Result/merit position is provisional. Result of Roll nos. 4005097 & 4005006 have been withheld for want of non submission of latest OBC certificate.
B. As per Railway Board’s direction, following candidates have been inducted to Northern Railway against fresh vacancies.
Cat No.07 : Assistant Station Master
For Northern Railway:
4002943 4005506 4002273 4006020 4005166 4004846 4002623 4003076 4004479 4003108
4004843 4003505 4004767 4004370 4004381 4004309 4000313 (Seventeen Only)
All successful candidates are being sent intimation through registered post and are advised to contact the respective Chief Personnel Officer, North Central Railway, Allahabad and Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi for further formalities in regard to appointment etc.
IMPORTANT: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerized and the selection is based purely on the merit of candidates.
While every care has been taken in preparing the above result, the possibility of inadvertent errors can not be ruled out. The Board reserves the right to rectify the same later on. Results/notices also available on RRB/Allahabad websitewww.rrbald.nic.in & www.rrbald.gov.in Help line tele no. 0532-
2222585 ‘Serving Customers with a Smile’
RRB/ Allahabad
Source : RRB, Allahabad
The contents of this result are informatory in nature. Candidates are advised to confirm the same from Commission/Board’s Office also.