Pay Scale of Railway Officials i.e. ASM/Goods Guard/TC/CC/Junior Engineer/Loco Pilot/Commercial Apprentice/Traffic Apprentice/Section Engineer/RPF/RPSF as per 7th CPC Recommendation
The Seventh Central Pay Commission submitted their report to the Government. If the Government of India approved the report as it is, then the pay scales of Railway Employees will be as given below :
Sl. No. | Name of the Posts | Pay Scale | Pay Matrix Level | Entry Pay |
1 | Asstt. Guard/Brakesman | 19900-63200 | 2 | 19900 |
2 | Train Clerk | 19900-63200 | 2 | 19900 |
3 | Assistant Loco Pilot | 19900-63200 | 2 | 19900 |
4 | Technician Grade III | 19900-63200 | 2 | 19900 |
5 | Commercial Clerk | 21700-69100 | 3 | 21700 |
6 | Constable (RPF/RPSF) | 21700-69100 | 3 | 21700 |
7 | Sr. Asstt. Guard/ Sr. Brakesman | 25500-81100 | 4 | 25500 |
8 | Technician Grade II | 25500-81100 | 4 | 25500 |
9 | Head Constable (RPF/RPSF) | 25500-81100 | 4 | 25500 |
10 | Goods Guard | 29200-92300 | 5 | 29200 |
11 | Assistant Station Master | 29200-92300 | 5 | 29200
12 | Asstt. Sub-Inspector (RPF/RPSF) | 29200-92300 | 5 | 29200 |
13 | Loco Pilot | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
14 | Mail Express Guard | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
15 | Sr. Passenger Guard | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
16 | Passenger Guard | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
17 | Sr. Goods Guard | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
18 | Traffic Apprentice | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
19 | Commercial Apprentice | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
20 | Junior Engineer | 35400-112400 | 6 | 35400 |
21 | Commercial Superintendent | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
22 | Chief Ticket Inspector | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
23 | Chief Enquiry & Reservation Supervisor | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
24 | Comml. Inspector Grade-II | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
25 | Law Assistant | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
26 | Chief Publicity Inspector | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
27 | Chief Catering Inspector | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
28 | Dy. Station Superintendent | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
29 | Dy. Chief Controller | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
30 | Section Engineer | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
31 | SE(Drawing/Design) | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
32 | Loco Inspector | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
33 | Section Engineer (Loco) | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
34 | Chemical & Metallurgical Suptdt. Gr.II | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
35 | Depot Material Supdt. Gr. I | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
36 | Lab Supdt. Gr.I | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
37 | Sr. Dietician | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
38 | Office Sudt. I | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
39 | Data Processing Supdt. | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
40 | Superintendent (Time Keeping) | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |
41 | Inspector (RPF/RPSF) | 44900-142400 | 7 | 44900 |