RRB, Chandigarh declare the results of Online Examination for the post of Sr. Section Engineer, Junior Engineer of Centralized Employment Notice No. 01/2015.
On the basis of online examination held on 26.08.2015 to 03.09.2015 (except 29.08.2015 and 31.08.2015) & 16.09.2015 by the board for the following Categories & posts published through Centralized Employment Notice No. 01/2015, the candidates bearing following Roll Numbers have been found provisionally suitable for Candidature & Documents Verification (Subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions). These candidates are required to report at Lajpat Rai Bhawan, Sector 15-B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh as per schedule given below with Original Documents viz Certificates and Marks-Sheets of Educational Qualification, Caste Certificate, Proof of Age, Coloured Photographs (Passport Size) etc. along with two sets of attested photocopies of these certificates for verification. The candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC should bring their original caste certificates in the prescribed format of the Central Govt. In case of OBC candidates, the Caste Certificate should have a clause of non-creamy layer and this certificate should not be older than one year from the date of closure of Centralized Employment NOtice NO. 01/2015 (i.e. 26.7.2015).
Cat. No. 02 ( Sr. Section Engineer/ Bridge) &
Cat. No. 03 ( Sr. Section Engineer/Works)
Date of Document Verification: 16-02-2016
Cat. No. 28 ( Juniior Engineer/Bridge)
Date of Document Verification: 16-02-2016Cat. No. 14 ( Sr. Section Engineer/Electrical (GS))
Date of Document Verification: 17-02-2016
Cat. No. 34 ( Junior Engineer/ Mechanical),
Cat. No. 35 ( Junior Engineer/ Carriage & Wagor (Open Line)) &Cat. No. 40 ( Junior Engineer/Electrical (GS))
Date of Document Verification: 17-02-2016
Block Date : If you are unable to attend document verification on the above mentioned date(s), you are advised to attend document verification on block date 02.03.2016 at 09:30 hrs at RRB office, Railway Colony, Near Railway Station, Chandigarh.
Here are the official letter of the results.
Source : RRB, Chandigarh
The contents of this result are informatory in nature. Candidates are advised to confirm the same from Commission/Board’s Office also.