

439 Jobs of Postman/ Mailguard in West Bengal Postal Circle

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West Bengal Postal Circle invites online application for direct recruitment to 439 posts of Postman/ Mailguard in the Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 with 2000 Grade Pay plus other admissible allowances in different  Postal/RMS Divisions in Department of Posts, West Bengal Circle.

Advertisement No. :  Rectt / X – 16 / DR /2015

Name of the Post : Postman/ Mailguard

Important Dates
Online Registration of Application (Opening Date) : 29-12-2015
Last Date for Registration (Closing Date) : 27-01-2016

Age Limit : 18-27 Years: For General Category (Unreserved Applicants). Age relaxation is provided to persons belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Servicemen Candidates as per the extant orders.

Crucial date for reckoning of age limit : - The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be as on the closing date for Online Registration of applications i.e. 27.01.2016

Educational Qualification : Matriculation from a recognized Board or University.

Scale of Pay : - Rs. 5200 – 20200 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 2000 + admissible allowances as prescribed from time to time.

Pattern of Examination : The candidates shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test of the level of 10th class/matriculation covering the following subjects/topics.
Total Marks-100 (No. of PARTS with their contents will be as follows)

Part A (General Knowledge (25 marks with 25 Question of one mark each)) 
Topics:- Geography, Indian History, freedom struggle, Culture & Sports, General Polity & Constitution of India, Economics, General Science, Current Affairs & Reasoning and analytical ability of 10th Standard.

Part B. Mathematics (25 marks with 25 Question of one mark each)
Topics:- Number Systems, Computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationship between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentage, ratio & proportion, profit & Loss,
simple interest, average, discount, partnership, time & work, time & distance, use of tables and graphs, mensuration.

Part C (i). English (25 marks with 25 Question of one mark each)
Topics:- Articles, prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs, synonyms & antonyms, vocabulary, sentences structure, proverbs, phrases, questions from a small unseen passage etc. 
Part C (ii). Regional Language (25 marks with 25 Question of one mark each)
Topics: (for hindi) Shabd pad, Kriyabhed, mishr & sanyukt vakya, vakyo ka rupantaran, swarsandhi, alankar, samas, muhavare & lokoktiyan ashudh vakya shodhan, apathit, gadyansh. These topics shall be replicated in Regional Languages (Bengali/Nepali).

a. Examination will be conducted for 120 Minutes covering four parts in one day.
b. Each part will be for 25 marks and duration of all the parts will be for 120 minutes.
c. Selection is based on Divisional level merit from among the qualified candidates applied for the Division / Unit concerned.

Application Fee : 
Cost of Application Form Registration: - Rs. 100/- (plus Rs. 20/- for e payment commission) for all categories of applicants who have registered.
Examination Fee: - The Examination fee prescribed for all male applicants in General and OBC categories is Rs. 400/-. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes / Physically Impaired / Women are exempted from payment of Examination Fee.

How to Apply:-
(i) The Applicant has to access the website http://wbcircle.eadmissions.net/ for seeing the detailed Notification/Advertisement issued by the Department and the Instruction Sheet / Information Brochure.
(ii) Before starting Registration of his/her application on the website, the Applicant should read the notification, instruction sheet carefully. He/she has to evaluate his/her eligibility for the category. His/her eligibility will be evaluated during the registration process and the process shall terminate for ineligible applicants and reasons there for would be prompted.
(iii) Before starting his registration of his application on-line, the applicant should be ready with the soft copies of passport size photo (Max 100 kb, Min 2 kb, .JPG format) and signature (Max 100 kb, Min 2 kb, .JPG format) which are required to be uploaded after filling up of the inputs and uploading the application on-line.
(iv) One applicant has to submit only one application. If more than one application is registered, it will lead to rejection of all the applications registered by the applicant.
(v) Applicant should fill the details / inputs in the On-line Application at the appropriate places very carefully and click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the Registration of On-line Application Form. Before Pressing the SUBMIT button, the applicants are advised to verify carefully every field / inputs mentioned in the application. Name of the Applicant or his / her father’s name etc should be spelled correctly in the application as it so appears in the Matriculation mark sheet / certificate. Any change / alteration found / detected later on may lead to his / her disqualification of candidature.
(vi) The applicants will kindly note that the particulars mentioned in the On-line application will be considered as final and no change / alteration / modification will be allowed / entertained after submission of the On-line application under any circumstances.
(vii) After successful registration, a provisional Unique Registration Number (URN) will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. The registration number along with password shall be sent to the Applicant to the given email ID and SMS to given Mobile Number in the application. The applicant has to use the registration number and password for login in into the website where he / she can generate the challan in triplicate to enable him / her to pay the fee. Applicant has to take out a print out of the system generated fee Payment Challan. Applicant has to retain this number and password for future references.
(viii) The Applicant is further advised to fill in the On-line Application form in one go and save the data. The Applicant can edit the particulars if needed before final Submission of the Application Form. Once the application is filled completely, the applicant should submit the data.
(ix) Mode of Payment:-The cost of Application Form and Examination fee are already prescribed in Para No. 12 and 13 of the notification. The applicants have to approach their nearest e-payment Post Offices (listed under the link E payment Post Offices in the said website) and to produce Fee Payment Challan printed by him/her & to pay the FEE in CASH (INR) only. Once the fee has been paid, the Registration process is completed. The applicant can check his/her status of payment at the website http://wbcircle.eadmissions.net/ after 3 working days after payment of the fee. In case of Non-payment the application registered will not be considered for further process. The applicants who have registered the applications on the closing date of registration are permitted to pay the FEE till 30.01.2016.

Visit the website to apply online : http://wbcircle.eadmissions.net/
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