

UDC Jobs in ESIC, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh

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--Union Public Service Commissio
Upper Division Clerk Jobs in ESIC, Baddi (H.P.)

कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम, बद्दी (हिमाचल प्रदेश) नि:शक्त श्रेणी के उम्मीदवारों से प्रवर श्रेणी लिपिक के रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती हेतु आवेदन आमंत्रित करता है।
Employee State Insurance Corporation, Baddi (H.P.) invites application for recruitment to the vacant post of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) from candidates belonging to Person with Disabilities category.

पद का नाम - Name of The Post :     Upper Division Clerk (UDC)

विभाग/मंत्रालय Department/Ministry :    Employee State Insurance Corporation, Baddi (H.P.)

पदों की संख्या No. of Posts - 02 (PWD)
आवेदन प्राप्ति की अंतिम तिथि - 31-10-2015
Closing Date for Receipt of Application : 31-10-2015.
दुर्गम क्षेत्रों के लिए आवेदन प्राप्ति की अंतिम तिथि - 07-11-2015
Last Date for far flung areas : 07-11-2015.
वेतनमान Pay Scale :    Rs. 5200-20200 + 2400/- Grade Pay + Other admissible allowances.
आयु-सीमा Age Limit :    27 Yrs. (Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions)

अनिवार्य योग्यता Essential Qualification : Degree of a recognized University or equivalent. Working knowledge of Computer including use of office suites and Databases.

चयन प्रक्रिया Mode of Selection :
The Final Selection for the post of UDC will be made on the basis of
(i) Part – I Written Test (Objective Type),
(ii) Part-II Computer Skill Test/Objective Type Test to assess working knowledge of Computers in case of candidates unable to type due to their disability.
Note: The candidates for Part-II shall be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in Part-I Written Examination.

आवेदन शुल्क Application Fee :    -Nil-
There will be "No Fee" as candidates belonging to PWD Category are exempted from payment of application fee.

परीक्षा की योजना Scheme of Examination : The Examination shall consists of following two parts as under:
Part-I written Examination (Multiple Choice Objective Type Paper)
Type of Examination - Objective Type Examination.
Subjects - (i) Numerical Ability, (ii) English Language, (iii) General Intelligence & (iv) General Awareness. (50 Questions in each subject).
Part-II Computer Skill Test/Objective Type Test
The candidates will have to appear for Computer Skill Test of Qualifying Nature  either in English or in Hindi language as such they are advised to opt for the medium of examination carefully for Computer Skill Test in the application form. The Computer Skill Test shall comprise of following three parts :
Part A -  Preparation of two Power Point Presentation/Slides on MS-Power Point - 10 Marks.
Part B -  Typing a letter/passage/paragraph of about 150-200 words in MS-Word -20 Marks.
Part C -  Preparation of Table/Database in MS-Excel - 20 Marks.
The total marks of the Computer Skill Test shall be 50 with duration of 30 minutes for completing all the three parts. The candidates shall be given the text/matter in the Question Paper which they have to type/reproduce in the Answer Sheet including formatting of text and use of formulae etc. as per instruction given in the Question Paper. This Test conducted is to assess the Essential Qualification of having working knowledge of Computer including use of office suites and databases. Hence, there will be no exemption from it for any category of candidates (including PWD). However, the working knowledge of computers in respect of PWD candidates, who are unable to type due to their disability, may be assessed by holding a written examination (objective type) comprising of questions related to computer.

आवेदन कैसे करें How to Apply : The duly filled and signed Application Form in the prescribed performa along with self-attested copies of certificates are to be sent in a cover super scribed "Special Recruitment Drive for filling up the posts under PWD category of (Name of the post applied for)" by Registered Post/Speed Post so as to reach the office of the concerned Regional Director at the below mentioned address.

परीक्षा केन्द्र  Centre of Examination : (i) Baddi, (ii) Chandigarh.

आवेदन के साथ संलग्न किए जाने वाले दस्तावेज  Documents to be attached with Application Form:
(i) One copy of recent self-attested passport size photograph firmly pasted on the application form.
(ii) Self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials in support of proof of age (Date of Birth), Educational Qualification etc.
(iii) Self-attested copy of Community Status Certificate in the prescribed form in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category. Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation on grounds of belonging to OBC should submit the Community Certificate in Annexure-"A" prescribed vide Govt. of India, Department of Personal and Training OM No.  36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated  15.11.93 along with self-declaration given in Annexure - B failing which the benefit of reservation and age relaxation will not be given.
(iv) Certificate of Disability in the prescribed Performa of Govt. of India. Those candidates who are employed in Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies etc. should send their application "Through Proper Channel". However, they may send an advance copy of their application and other certificates and testimonials before the last date.

अन्य महत्वपूर्ण सूचनाएं Other Important Information :
(i) Persons with disability (PWD) having disability less than forty percent will not be considered.
(ii) Mere submission of application does not confer any right to the candidate for being called for written examination.
(iii) ESI Corporation will NOT undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and, therefore, the candidature is accepted only provisionally. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the decision of ESIC shall be final.
(iv) Application should be submitted in the prescribed form appended below. It should be filled up in block/capital letters.
(v) Incomplete or Unsigned applications or the applications received without the self-attested copies of mark sheets/certificates in support of educational qualification, proof of age (Date of Birth), caste certificate, photographs and those received after the last date of receipt of applications are liable to be rejected without any communication to the candidate.
(vi) Wrong declarations/submission of false information or any other action contrary to law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
(vii) ESIC will not be responsible for postal delays.
(viii) Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EX-Servicemen must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per the identification of vacancies for PWDs for that post, physical requirements and eligibility criteria prescribed in this advertisement and as per the instructions issued by Govt. of India. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format of Govt. of India in support of their claim. Candidates claiming reservation/ age relaxation under OBC Category should submit the OBC Certificate given at Annexure -”A” prescribed vide Govt. of India, Department of Personal and Training OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 15.11.93 along with Self Declaration given at Annexure “B” when the scrutiny is undertaken, failing which the benefit of reservation or age relaxation will not be given. Certificate of Disability in the prescribed Performa of Govt. of India appended below at Annexure - ‘C’
(ix) ESIC Employees/Government Servants claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate in the prescribed format at Annexure- ‘D’ from their office in respect of the length of continuous and regular service which should be not less than three years in the immediate period preceding the closing date for receipt of application. They should continue to have the status of ESIC Employee/Government Servants till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection.
(x) Ex-Servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Government in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession and for claiming benefits of reservation under Ex-Servicemen category. However, they are eligible for age relaxation only. The period of "Call up Service" of an Ex-Serviceman in the Armed Forces shall also be treated as service rendered in the Armed Forces for purpose of age relaxation.
(xi) For any serviceman of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated as Ex-Serviceman for the purpose of securing the benefits of reservation, he must have already acquired, at the relevant time of submitting his application for the Post / Service, the status of ex-serviceman and /or is in a position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that he would complete specified term of engagement with the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of one year from the Closing Date, or otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. Serving Defence Personnel shall have to produce certificate issued by the competent authority in the Performa given Annexed at ‘E’.
(xii) The crucial date for determining the age limit, essential qualification and other criteria regarding eligibility for the post shall be i.e. 31.10.2015.
(xiii) Mobiles, other electronic gadgets and wireless equipment are banned within the premises of the examination centers. Their possession in switched on or switched off mode is considered by the ESI Corporation as a manipulative practice and will invite summarily cancellation of candidature, debarment from the ESIC’s examinations and/or criminal prosecution.
(xiv) ESIC reserves the right to conduct examination either OFFLINE (OMR Based) or ONLINE.
(xv) Selection is made strictly according to merit on the basis of Written/Online examination for the vacancies advertised.
(xvi) Visually handicapped (VH) candidates with visual disabilities of forty percent and above can avail the assistance of a SCRIBE in the Written Examination subject to such requests being made in the relevant column of application form. Question Papers and Answer Sheets will not be provided in BRAILLE. No attendant will be allowed with VH/Cerebral Palsy candidates inside the examination premises.
1. Persons with visual disability of less than forty percent will not be considered as visually handicapped persons. One eyed candidates and partially blind candidates who are able to read the Question Paper with or without magnifying glass and who wish to write the answer with the help of Magnifying Glass will not be entitled to a Scribe. Such candidates will have to bring their own Magnifying Glass to the Examination Hall.
2. Visually handicapped (VH) candidates with visual disabilities of Forty percent and above and candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy can avail the assistance of a SCRIBE in written examination on their behalf. Candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy may be provided with the facility of Scribe and compensatory time at par with VH candidates.
3. Visually handicapped, including blind and partially blind, candidates with visual disability of forty percent and above may bring their own TAYLOR FRAME AND BRAILLE SLATE WITH PAPER for solving Arithmetical problems.
(xvii) Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless ESIC is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects of appointment to the service/ post.
(xviii) Videography of the candidates at the time of actual examination may be done at the discretion of the ESI Corporation.
(xix) All the posts carry liability for transfer to any station within the Region/Unit. In the event of his/her promotion/appointment to All India Cadres, he/she will be liable for transfer anywhere in India.

Source : [ESIC]
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