SSC Vacancy for Scientific Assistant in the Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance
कर्मचारी चयन आयोग विज्ञापन संख्या KKR-03/2015 के अंतर्गत डी जी ए क्यू ए कार्यालय में वैज्ञानिक सहायक के पद पर भर्ती हेतु आवेदन आमंत्रित करता है.
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) invites Application for recruitment to the post of Scientific Assistant in Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance vide Advertisement No. KKR-03/2015
कैटेगोरी संख्या Category No. 1/BG for Scientific Assistant (Computer Science)
कैटेगोरी संख्या Category No. 2/BG for Scientific Assistant (Electrical)
आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि - 09-10-2015
Closing Date for Submission of Online Application : 09-10-2015.
पद का नाम - 1. वैज्ञानिक सहायक (कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान) एवं 2. वैज्ञानिक सहायक (इलेक्ट्रीकल)
Name of The Post : 1. Scientific Assistant (Computer Science), 2. Scientific Assistant (Electrical)
विभाग/मंत्रालय Department/Ministry : Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, D/o Defence Production, M/o Defence.
पदों की संख्या No. of Post : दो (UR-01, OBC-01) - for Cat. No. 1/BG
चार (UR-02, OBC-01, ST-01) - for Cat. No. 2/BG
वेतनमान Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 + 4200/- Grade Pay + Other admissible allowances.
आयु-सीमा Age Limit : 30 Yrs.
अनिवार्य योग्यता Essential Qualification : For Cat. No. 1/BG
Diploma in Computer Science Engineering or Electronics Engineering with Two years experience in related field. OR Degree in Computer Science Engineering or Electronics Engineering.
For Cat. No. 02/BG
Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering with Two years experience in related field. OR Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
प्रारंभिक नियुक्ति Initial Posting : Banglore with liability to serve anywhere in India.
दायित्व Duties : 1. Maintenance of costly testing / lab equipments.
2. Investigate defective stores like paints, varnishes, explosives, airborne store, chemical, petroleum products etc. Carry out test/inspection at firms’ premises, if necessary.
3. Scan test reports and physically examine tested samples and answer technical queries from various sources.
4. Assist/associate in quality assurance activities for aircraft, air armament, airborne store & GHE/GSE etc.
5. Carry out technical correspondence with various agencies regarding procurement of stores, inspection procedure and quality control at PSUs & Ordnance factories.
6. Prepare and revise specification, inspection schedules / instructions for approval or his group officer and offer comment on IS & JS specifications.
7. Maintain / evaluate statistical data on sample testing.
8. Compile various reports and returns (technical information like calibration data, compilation of stores and chemicals, items in short supply).
9. Perform orderly NGOs duty.
10. Any other duty assigned by senior officers
2. Investigate defective stores like paints, varnishes, explosives, airborne store, chemical, petroleum products etc. Carry out test/inspection at firms’ premises, if necessary.
3. Scan test reports and physically examine tested samples and answer technical queries from various sources.
4. Assist/associate in quality assurance activities for aircraft, air armament, airborne store & GHE/GSE etc.
5. Carry out technical correspondence with various agencies regarding procurement of stores, inspection procedure and quality control at PSUs & Ordnance factories.
6. Prepare and revise specification, inspection schedules / instructions for approval or his group officer and offer comment on IS & JS specifications.
7. Maintain / evaluate statistical data on sample testing.
8. Compile various reports and returns (technical information like calibration data, compilation of stores and chemicals, items in short supply).
9. Perform orderly NGOs duty.
10. Any other duty assigned by senior officers
आवेदन शुल्क Application Fee : Rs. 50/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women Candidates of any community) Candidates are required to pay the fee by online method.
आवेदन कैसे करें How to Apply : Candidates must apply offline in prescribed Application Form. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
Source : [SSC]