

UPSC Vacancy for Economic Officer in Directorate of Economics & Statistics

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--Union Public Service Commissio
UPSC Vacancy for Economic Officer

संघ लोक सेवा आयोग विज्ञापन संख्‍या 11/2015 के अंतर्गत आर्थिक एवं सांख्यिकी निदेशालय मे इकोनॉमिक ऑफिसर पद पर भर्ती हेतु ऑनलाईन आवेदन आमंत्रित करता है.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites online application for Economic Officer in Directorate of Economics and Statistics vide Advertisement No. 11/2015

वैकेन्सी संख्या - 15081101422
Vacancy No. 15081101422
आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि - 10-09-2015
Closing Date for Submission of Online Application : 10-09-2015.
सबमिट किए गए आवेदन को प्रिंट लेने की अंतिम तिथि - 11-09-2015
Last Date for Printing of Completely Submitted of Online Application :  11-09-2015.

पद का नाम - डाइरेक्टोरेट ऑफ इकोनोमिक्स एण्ड स्टैटिस्टिक्स में "इकॉनॉमिक ऑफिसर"
Name of The Post :     Economic Officer in Directorate of Economics & Statistics.

विभाग/मंत्रालय - कृषि मंत्रालय,  कृषि एवं सहकारिता विभाग
Department/Ministry :    Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Co-operation.
पदों की संख्या - एक
No. of Post :    01 (One-UR)

वेतनमान Pay Scale :    Rs. 9300-34800 + 4600/- Grade Pay + Other admissible allowances.

आयु-सीमा Age Limit :    30 Yrs.

अनिवार्य योग्यता Essential Qualification :    Post Graduate degree in Economics or Applied Economics or Business Economics or Econometrics from a recognised University/Institutes.

प्रारंभिक नियुक्ति Initial Posting :    New Delhi with liability to be posted anywhere in India.

दायित्व Duties :    To analyse and interpret Economic & Statistical data and to prepare notes and memoranda thereon.

आवेदन शुल्क Application Fee :    Rs. 25/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women Candidates of any community) Candidates are required to pay the fee either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using Visa/Master/Credit/Debit Card.

आवेदन कैसे करें How to Apply :    Candidates must apply online through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.

महत्वपूर्ण सूचनाएं Important Information :
Candidates shortlisted for interview on the basis of the information provided in the online applications submitted by them will be required to send self attested copies of documents/relevant certificates in support of the claims made in the application as and when demanded by the Commission.

The printout of the online application and the following Original Documents/Certificates along with self attested copies and other items specified in the Summon Letter for interview are to be produced at the time of interview, failing which the candidate would not be allowed to appear in the Interview in which case such candidate will not be entitled to receive the Commission’s contribution towards traveling expenses:-
a) Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth, or mark sheet of Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating Date of Birth in support of their claim of age. Where date of birth is not available in certificate/mark sheets, issued by concerned Educational Boards, School leaving certificate indicating Date of Birth will be considered (in case of Tamil Nadu & Kerala).
b) Degree/Diploma certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years as proof of educational qualification claimed. In the absence of Degree/Diploma certificate, provisional certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years will be accepted.
c) Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications claimed, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated, in respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement.
d) Certificate(s) in the prescribed proforma from the Head(s) of Organization(s)/Department(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with duration(s). Experience Certificate should be issued in prescribed format relevant to the post. Experience certificate not in prescribed proforma but containing all the details as mentioned above would be considered on merits by the Commission.
e) Caste certificate by candidate seeking reservation as SC/ ST/ OBC, in the prescribed proforma from the competent authority indicating clearly the candidate’s Caste, the Act/ Order under which the Caste is recognized as SC/ ST/ OBC and the village/ town the candidate is ordinarily a resident of.
f) A declaration in the prescribed format by candidate seeking reservation as OBC, that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer on the crucial date, in addition to the community certificate (OBC). Unless specified otherwise, the prescribed closing date for receipt of Online Recruitment Application for the post is to be treated as crucial date.
g) Physically Handicapped certificate in prescribed proforma issued by the competent authority by Physically Handicapped persons eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of prescribed standards of Medical Fitness. The Competent Authority to issue Physically Handicapped certificate shall be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or a State Government. The Central/ State Government may constitute Medical Board(s) consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing Locomotor/ Cerebral / Visual / Hearing disability, as the case may be.
h) A candidate who claims change in name after matriculation on marriage or remarriage or divorce etc. the following documents shall be submitted:-
i) In case of marriage of women - Photocopy of Husband’s passport showing names of spouses or an attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or an Affidavit from husband and wife along with a joint photograph duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner;
ii) In case of re-marriage of women - Divorce Deed/Death certificate as the case may be in respect of first spouse; and photocopy of present husband’s passport showing names of spouse or an attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or an Affidavit from the husband and wife along with joint photograph duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner
iii) In case of divorce of women - Certified copy of Divorce Decree and Deed Poll/Affidavit duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner.
iv) In other circumstances for change of name for both male and female - Deed Poll/Affidavit duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner and paper cuttings of two leading daily newspaper in original (One daily newspaper should be of the area of applicants permanent and present address or nearby area) and Gazette Notification.
i) Certificate/ Document in respect of Age relaxation for:
i) Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers including ECOs/SSCOs in prescribed proforma from competent authority.
ii) Central/UT Government Employees/Servants in prescribed proforma from competent authority issued after the date of advertisement.
iii) Meritorious Sports persons in prescribed proforma from competent authority.
iv) Widows/Divorced Women/Women Judicially separated from Husbands.
v) Persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K during the period from 1st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1989.
vi) Persons seeking age relaxation under special provision/ order.
j) Persons already in Regular Government service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity other than casual/adhoc/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis are however required to submit a declaration that they have informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the selection.
k) Certificate(s) in respect of claim regarding Professional Registration, Language, Publications, NET, GATE, Conference, Internship.
l) Documentary support for any other claim(s) made.
NOTE I: Date of birth mentioned in Online Recruitment Application is final. No subsequent request for change of date of birth will be considered or granted.
NOTE II: The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting/ guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidates for interview.
NOTE III: If any document/ certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.

Source : [UPSC]
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