Leander Paes and Martina Hingis wins the Wimbledon Mixed Doubles Title & Sumit Nagal wins the Boys' Doubles title at the Wimbledon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi congratulate them for their victories. Here is the official message issued by P.M.O. :- Press Information Bureau Government of India Prime Minister's Office 13-July-2015 PM congratulates Leander Paes, Martina Hingis and Sumit Nagal for Wimbledon victoriesPrime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has congratulated Mr. Leander Paes and Ms. Martina Hingis for winning the Wimbledon Mixed Doubles Title. He also congratulated Mr. Sumit Nagal for winning the Boys' Doubles title at the Wimbledon. "More good news from Wimbledon. Congrats again, Martina Hingis. Leander, your accomplishments are truly inspiring and they make us very proud. It was very heartening to see Sumit Nagal win at Wimbledon. Congrats and best wishes to this young sportsman," the Prime Minister said. Source : PIB | ||
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Leander Paes & Martina Hingis Catch the Wimbledon Mixed Doubles Title
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