

Odisha PSC Vacancy for the post of Assistant Town Planner of Odisha Town Planning Service under Housing & Urban Development Department of Odisha

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Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Town Planner in Class-I Junior (Group-A) of Odisha Town Planning Service under Housing and Urban Development Department.    

WEBSITE http://opsconline.gov.in
Important Dates

Applications are invited  online through the  Proforma Application form to be made available on the WEBSITE (http://opsconline.gov.in) from  28.01.2013 to  28.02.2013 (Note: 02.03.2013 is the last date for payment of application fee) for recruitment to 17(Seventeen) posts of Assistant Town planner in Class-I Junior (Group-A) of Odisha Town Planning Service under Housing and Urban Development Department in the scale of pay of Rs.15600-39100/- carrying Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- with usual Dearness and other Allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Odisha from time to time.

2. VACANCY POSITION:  As per requisition filed by the Housing and Urban Development Department the category wise vacancy position along with reservation thereof is given below:-
SI.No.   Category                No. of vacancies
1   Un-reserved                    6   (2-women)
2   S.E.B.C                          4   (1-women)
3   Scheduled Tribe              4   (1-women)
4   Scheduled Caste             3   (1-women)
                       Total           17   (5-women)

(a) Exchange of reservation between Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe will not   be considered.
(b) In the event of non-availability or availability of  insufficient number of eligible/suitable women  candidates belonging to any  particular category, the vacancies or the remaining vacancies reserved for women candidates shall be filled up by male candidates of the same category.
(c)  The posts are temporary, but likely to be made permanent. The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice from either side without assigning any reason thereof. The period of probation is two years.
(d) The number of vacancies to be filled up  on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by Government without notice, depending upon the exigencies of public service at the discretion of the State Government.

3. AGE: -   A candidate must be under 35 (thirty five) years and above 21 (twenty one) years of age on the 1st January, 2012.
The upper age limit prescribed above is relaxable:
(i) By 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Caste(S.C.), Scheduled Tribe (S.T.),Socially & Educationally Backward Classes (S.E.B.C.), Women and eligible Ex-servicemen.
(ii) By 10 (ten) years  for  candidates belonging to (Physically Handicapped) category, whose disability should not be less than 40%.
(iii) By 10  years who are otherwise eligible and already in Odisha State Government service.
Provided that, a candidate who comes under more than one category mentioned above, he/she will be eligible for only one age relaxation benefit, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her.
The  Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will only be accepted by the Commission.

4. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:                                  
A candidate must have obtained:–
(A)  Essential:
(i) Degree in Regional/Town planning from a recognized University or Institution  or Equivalent   qualification.
(ii) At least three years experience in a planning or in Architectural office.
(i) Associate ship of the institute of Town planner (INDIA).
(ii) Experience in the preparation of Development plans.
(B)  Essential:
(i) Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent qualification.
(ii) Degree in Regional/Town planning or an equivalent qualification from a recognized University or Institution
(iii) At least three years experience in Town planning Organization
Experience in planning and design of service, construction,  cost estimating and
drawing up execution programmes.
(C) Essential:
(i) Master’s Degree in Economics, Sociology, Geography or Statistics or a Degree in law from a recognized   University or equivalent qualifications.
(ii) Degree in Town planning / Regional planning or an equivalent qualification from a recognized University or Institution.
(iii) At least three years experience in Town planning Organization in the collection and analysis of socio-economic data.
5. APPLICATION FEE:                                                                                        
A candidate is required to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred) only. Candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe of Odisha only are exempted from payment of this fee.
Candidates are required to take a printout of finally submitted Online Application Form for future use and take a printout of Online  Challan  (Pay-in-Slip) for  payment of requisite fee at any branch of State Bank of India (SBI). The Fee paid shall neither be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be adjusted or held in reserve for any other examination or recruitment.

The selection of candidates for recruitment to the posts will be made on the basis of career assessment and Viva Voce. The Commission at their discretion may short-list the candidates to a reasonable number, for conducting interview by making a preliminary selection either on the basis of evaluation of their academic career taking into account the requisite minimum educational qualification or by conducting a preliminary written test.
(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India;
(ii) The candidate must be of (a) good moral character, and (b) sound health, good physique and active habits and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity so as not to create any impairment in the due discharge of duties.
(iii) The candidate must be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed: at least an examination in Odia language equivalent to that of Middle English School standard conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha; or the Education Department of Government of Odisha or any other Board or Council of Secondary Education approved by the Government of Odisha in support of passing of Odia Language Test (M.E. School standard);
(iv) A candidate, who has more than one spouse living, will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government  has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons;                                                                                                                                                                    
(v) Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they possess the requisite qualification and are  within the prescribed age-limit as provided under Para-3 & 4 of the Advertisement.  They must inform their respective Heads of Offices/Departments in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and obtain “No Objection Certificate”;
(vi) If a candidate has at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or other State Public Service Commission or U.P.S.C. from appearing at any examination/interview, he/she will not be eligible for such recruitment for that specified period/chance(s);
(vii) Only those candidates, who  possess the requisite  qualification, within the prescribed age limit and fulfill other eligibility conditions etc. by the closing date of receipt  of online application, will be considered eligible;    (viii)  A candidate who claims change in his/her name after having passed the H.S.C. Examination or equivalent Examination, is required to furnish copy of publication of the changed name in the local leading daily news paper as well as copy of notification in the Odisha Gazette in support of his /her change of name.       (ix) Every candidate selected for  appointment shall be examined by the Medical Board.  A candidate, who fails to satisfy the Medical Board, shall not be appointed;

(i) A candidate  found  guilty  of  seeking  support  for his/her candidature by offering illegal gratification or applying pressure  on any person connected with the conduct of the recruitment process or found indulging in any type of  malpractice  in  course of the selection or otherwise, shall, in addition to rendering himself/herself   liable to criminal prosecution, be disqualified not only  for  the recruitment for which he/she is a candidate, but also may be  debarred, either permanently or  for a specified period, from any recruitment or selection to be conducted by the Commission.
(ii) The provisions of the Odisha Conduct of Examination Act 1988 (Odisha Act-2 of 1988) are applicable to the examination conducted by the Odisha Public Service Commission
(iii) Online applications submitted to OPSC  if found   to   be   incomplete in any respect are liable to rejection without entertaining any correspondence with the applicants on that score;
(iv) Admission to Examination/Viva Voce will be provisional.  If on verification at any stage before or after Examination / Viva Voce, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill all the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be liable to rejection.  Decision of the Commission in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final.
(v) This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to  make appointment;        (vi) Concessions meant for  S.Cs. S.Ts. & S.E.B.Cs by Birth are admissible to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Socially Backward Classes of Odisha only.
(Vii) Candidates are required to take due care to annex the printout/hard copy of online applications, the copies of certificates and other requisite documents as stated under Para-9 of this advertisement.
(Viii) All persons appointed  under the Government of Odisha on or after 1st January, 2005 shall not be eligible for pension as defined under sub-rule(1) of Rule-3 of the Odisha Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1992; but shall be covered by the defined contribution pension scheme in accordance with the Odisha civil services( pension) Amendment Rules 2005 .
(ix) Any misrepresentation or suppression of information by the candidate in the online application form will result in cancellation of his/ her candidature or penalty, as may be decided by the Commission be imposed on the candidate.
(x) Mere empanelment in the   select list shall not confer any   right for appointment unless the Government is satisfied after making such enquiry as may be deemed necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.

Candidates are required to submit along with the printout/hard copy of online applications, true copies of the following documents duly attested by candidate or Gazetted Officer or Notary Public. The  candidates are also required to mention on each document “submitted by me” and put their full signature on the same. They must not attach to their applications the original certificates. Only those, who are called for the viva voce test, will be required to bring with them the original certificates, mark-sheets etc. of the attested copies for verification before commencement of the viva voce. If a candidate fails to furnish any of the original documents in respect of the attested copies submitted with the application for verification on the date of interview before the interview starts, he/she shall not be allowed to appear at the interview.
(i) H.S.C. or equivalent certificate in support of declaration of age issued by the   concerned Board/Council;
(ii) Intermediate/+2 Examination Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board/ Council;
(iii) Bachelor’s Degree certificate issued by the recognized University;
(iv) Master’s Degree Certificate issued by the recognized University;
(v) Degree/Diploma certificate in respect of Regional/Town Planning issued by recognized University;             (vi) Mark-lists in support of all the examinations passed (i.e. H.S.C. to Master Degree) issued by the concerned Board/Council/University;
(a) Candidates  who  have  not been  awarded percentage of  marks, but only “GRADE MARKS”, should, along  with  their  applications, produce the conversion certificate from the concerned University indicating the actual equivalent percentage of marks and the conversion formula  failing which, their applications are liable to be rejected.
(b) While filling up the relevant box of the online application form, the candidate has to mention the marks secured (excepting marks secured in the Extra optional/4th optional) in each examination passed (i.e. H.S.C. to Masters Degree).
(vii) Experience Certificate from the authority, concerned as specified in educational qualification at Para -4.
(viii) A No objection certificate from Head of Office/Head of the Department in case of Government servant.
(ix) Certificate of Associate ship of the institute of Town planning (INDIA) if applicable.
(x) (a) Experience certificate from the competent authority in preparation of Development plans.                         (b) Experience certificate from the competent authority in planning and design of service, construction, cost estimating and drawing up execution programmes.
(xi) Two recent passport size photographs (unsigned & unattested) which has been Uploaded with online application form.
(xii) Certificates of character  and  conduct from the Principal/Proctor/Dean or Professor in charge of Teaching Department the College or University in which he/she last studied;
(xiii) Caste Certificate by birth in support of claim as S.Cs. /S.Ts. /S.E.B.Cs., wherever applicable (Please see Note-1).
(xiv) Required odia pass certificate from the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha indicating Odia as a language subject equivalent to M.E. School Standard or a certificate from the principal/Headmaster of the School indicating that the candidate has passed Odia in M.E. Standard; if not passed odia as a subject in the High School Certificate Examination/ equivalent Examination.
(xv) Discharge Certificates of Ex-Serviceman issued by the Commanding Officer of the Unit last served wherever applicable;
(xvi) Disability Certificate (indicating percentage of disability) issued by the concerned Medical Board, wherever applicable;
(xvii) If a candidate claims to possess qualification, equivalent to the prescribed qualification, the rule/ authority (With number and date) under which   it is so treated, must be furnished with the printout/ Hard copy of Application Form.

Source: http://opsc.gov.in/
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